Card Number / Rarity: 240/236 / Secret Rare Card Type / HP / Stage: Water / 180 / Basic Card Text: Ability — Scatter
At the end of your opponent's turn, if this Pokémon has any damage counters on it, flip a coin. If tails, shuffle this Pokémon and all cards attached to it into your deck. Attack 1: [1WW] Hydro Splash (130) Weakness / Resistance / Retreat Cost: Lx2 / None / 3
At the end of your opponent's turn, if this Pokémon has any damage counters on it, flip a coin. If tails, shuffle this Pokémon and all cards attached to it into your deck. Attack 1: [1WW] Hydro Splash (130) Weakness / Resistance / Retreat Cost: Lx2 / None / 3