2 Level 4 or lower Dragon monsters, except Tokens
When this card is Link Summoned: You can pay 500 LP, then target 1 Level 5 or higher monster in your GY; Special Summon it to your zone this card points to, but it cannot attack this turn, also it has its effects negated.
Official Tournament Stores must review their Konami OTS agreement before selling this product.
When this card is Link Summoned: You can pay 500 LP, then target 1 Level 5 or higher monster in your GY; Special Summon it to your zone this card points to, but it cannot attack this turn, also it has its effects negated.
Official Tournament Stores must review their Konami OTS agreement before selling this product.
- Number:OP08-EN006
- Rarity:Super Rare
- Attribute Monster Type/Card Type:DARK Dragon/Link/Effect Monster
- A / D:1200 /
- Link Rating:2
- Link Arrows:Bottom Right