Card Number / Rarity: 140 / Ultra Rare Card Type / HP / Stage: Fairy / 190 / Stage 1 Card Text: Ability — Fluffy Cotton
If any damage is done to this Pokémon by attacks, flip a coin. If heads, prevent that damage. Attack 1: [Y] Energy Blow (10+)
This attack does 30 more damage times the amount of Energy attached to this Pokémon. Attack 2: [Y] Toy Box GX
Search your deck for up to 5 cards and put them into your hand. Then, shuffle your deck. (You can't use more than 1 GX attack in a game.) Weakness / Resistance / Retreat Cost: Mx2 / D-20 / 1
If any damage is done to this Pokémon by attacks, flip a coin. If heads, prevent that damage. Attack 1: [Y] Energy Blow (10+)
This attack does 30 more damage times the amount of Energy attached to this Pokémon. Attack 2: [Y] Toy Box GX
Search your deck for up to 5 cards and put them into your hand. Then, shuffle your deck. (You can't use more than 1 GX attack in a game.) Weakness / Resistance / Retreat Cost: Mx2 / D-20 / 1